As cutting an oath/brit establishes souls definition, so too profaning an oath uproots the souls from this world. The non-bnai brit – irregardless of their religious beliefs – never refine, elevate or sanctify their souls by cutting a brit by means of a Torah oath. Herein lays the essential distinction between bnai brit and non bnai brit nations.
The mother determines the physical Jewish-ness of the child, like land determines a person’s nationality. But the essence of the bnai brit Israel comes through the holiness of our souls. To dedicate one’s souls - to cut an oath/brit – requires both דרך ארץ and Torah[1].
Consequently, Jewry as a people does not qualify as a race, but rather due to our oath/brit - as a different species of humanity. While lands can determine the forms of our citizenship, Torah determines the substance, דרך ארץ and our souls unique abilities to meet and contain the 13 middot Elokim...
(שם כה) נשך ורבית Both touch monetary גמ"חand/or partnership loans, no distinction exists between them. It’s forbidden to “bite” by profiting from compounded interest accrued upon loans. It’s also forbidden to speculate on currencies. A person cannot loan money in dollars and demand payment in shekels.
Middot Tumahot can produce a Yazir that seeks to profit at the expense of the helpless. As land cannot prevent farmers planting a crop in the 7th year so too a poor person who needs a loan cannot prevent interest. As slaves in Egypt, our people existed like soil under the soles of our slave drivers. Remembering Egypt enjoins sanctifying the soul(s) commitment unto the sacred obligation of redeeming our lands and our peoples.
The bnai brit peoples share a partnership with one another. Understanding the principles of giving Torah loans both acknowledges the alliance we have with our peoples and our faith in the Elokim. The Elokim swore and established thereby, the lands of Canaan as the eternal inheritance unto the firstborn of the bnai brit peoples. In turn our father Avraham swore to command his descendents to rule these promised lands with Justice. The Torah revelation holds the wisdom whereby the descendents of Avraham can obey the commandment of Avrham. Similarly both honoring the 7th year and giving loans without “biting”, reflects a developing fear of heaven.[2]
The non bnai brit loan institutions charge interest; they speculate and seek profit from anyone they can bite. What makes bnai brit Israel unique as a people… our circumcision does not only cut off the ערלה of the foreskin, rather the oath/brit cuts our souls into five divisions; Nefesh, Ruach, Neshamah, Chaya and Yechida, and our hearts into 26 middot. . Nefesh: Brit Noach – the oath not to do acts of theft, oppression and illicit sex among our bnai brit peoples.
Ruach: Brit Abraham – the oath to establish justice by means of intra-bnai brit diplomacy.
Neshamah: Brit Yitzchak - the oath to sanctify the soul in a holy dedication to walk with דרך ארץ before the Elokim, to establish an Av/toldah relationship between the 13 middot tohorot and the 13 middot tumaot. That a person works to walk before the Elokim with a harmonious Yazir. The heart, so to speak, serves as the seat Yazir’s emotional – non verbal- emotional attributes.
Chaya: Brit Yaakov – the oath to pass and inherit unto future generations, not only the oaths/britot of our fathers but the wisdom to discern refined souls from non bnai brit animal souls; the understanding that the bnai brit souls share a union partnership with their peoples and as a consequence with the Elokim; that the Shem Hashem dwells in the hearts and souls of HIS chosen bnai brit alliance civilization, and NOT necessarily or exclusively within specific individuals of this same nation, when we despise our sacred brit relationship we share with one another. The best examples which forever applies, Moshe our Teacher’s spiritual depression while “that generation” died. Our father Yaacov mourned the closure of spiritual revelations consequently resulting from the sale of Yosef.
Yechida: Brit Moshe – the Torah. That Israel would give unto Levi the means to do their avodah to inherit the Elokim. That Levi would bless Israel in our portion of the תרי"ג obligations, and that through this avodah, that Israel merits to inherit the land.
Keter: Brit David – the oath dedicating Yerushalayim as the sole and eternal chosen High Place, there-in all of bnai brit peoples – bnai Israel or bnai Noach – have opportunity to renew or affirm their oath/brit relationship through means of the sacrificial oath dedications for all generations to come.
Notes and References 1) Its possible to channel by means of prayer and meditation the 26 middot through ten gates. Fear, Anger, Grief, Shame, Worry – honor, trust, duty, integrity, authority. Middot Tohorot Tumahot 1) Modesty: grief/duty 1) Hated without cause: worry/authority 2) Truth: anger/trust 2) Narrow eye: fear/honor 3) Controlling anger: grief/duty 3) Jealousy of others success: anger/trust 4) Increase beauty to give honor: fear/honor 4) Greed: grief/duty 5) Grace: worry/authority 5) Illicit nakedness: anger/trust 6) גמ"ח: fear/honor 6) Pleasure from others humiliation: grief/duty 7) Act of creation/ דרך ארץ: fear/honor 7) Arrogant self worth: shame/integrity 8) Self nullification: anger/trust 8) Loyalty that fails to distinguish: worry/authority 9) תשובה: worry/authority 9) Oppressive violence: worry/authority 10) Mercy: grief/duty 10) Mob emotionalism: shame/integrity 11) Giving heart: shame/integrity 11) Inability to listen: worry/authority 12) Forming the Yazir: anger/trust 12) Lust for power: fear/honor 13) Embolden will to rule humility in the face of conflict: the palm 13) Selfishness: shame/integrity The 10 gates align with the hands and diagonally opposite feet. Assigning the middot as fixed points within the body establishes internal focus points when meditating. By focusing upon fixed nefesh pulses a student of דרך ארץ can develop a conscious awareness of his/her emotional mind located in the general area of the brain stem. Rational logical methods and emotional logical methods operate independently from one anther. A master of דרך ארץ respects this most fundamental distinction within the functions of the human mind. At birth a child’s emotional mind has essentially matured, not so the Neo-cortex. The Elokim informed Rivka that the elder would serve the younger. Hence דרך ארץ serves as the foundation of Torah faith.
2) (ויקרא כה:לח) tangentially: Finding an opening to annul a vow qualifies as redemption,
as does a girl coming of age. Clearly קידושין redeems as does an עבד עברי acquiring his freedom. So too a person coming from galut to Israel, Israel unto Yerushalem qualifies as redemption.
(דברים כג:כ) Mercy, graciousness, justice and wisdom function as the main tools of redemption. גמ"ח loans or giving partnership loans to ones bnai brit peoples, both charity and business can redeem the Yazir from the desire to speculate in money and goods and to bite like an animal soul! Developing Fear of Heaven entails accepting responsibility for ones’ house and gradually extending this yoke unto all ones’ peoples. A person who has no children does not qualify to become a judge. The Torah repeatedly employs a unique language, “the children of Israel”. As children require food clothing and education, so too they equally need responsible parents. From my experience raising children gave me a perspective of responsibility that I had never beheld before HaShem blessed me.
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